I asked Kate to use her EFT/Matrix Reimprinting Techniques to help me find a way out of some emotional problems I was experiencing. Not only did I notice a definite difference in myself immediately after the session but I experienced what I can only call an Epiphany upon waking from a dream the next morning.…
Having EFT and Matrix Reimprinting with Kate is a rare delight. I was scared to work on the failure wounds I was dealing with but Kate held me in the most loving and safe space, that under her guidance I was able to journey through several themes and memories connected to failure. I felt a…
Kate is a warm, friendly person with great personal integrity. She practices EFT with knowledge and skill. I have found EFT to be a valuable therapy in healing many problems I have had with my body.
I have been a client of Kate’s for many years. During those years I have cleared many fears in my life allowing me to feel happy, contented and more balanced. I feel as if I know who I am in the Universe.