I have been a qualified Kinesiologist for over 30 years. Kinesiology uses Muscle Testing to get feedback (answers) from the body. I have a Diploma in Nutrition, Feng Shui, EFT, Matrix Reimprinting and more recently Thought Field Therapy which was the original form of EFT developed by Dr. Callaghan. I only practice EFT and Matrix now.
EFT and Matrix Reimprinting are my overall favourites and they frequently work wonders!
I have recently qualified as a Trainer in EFT with Founding EFT Master, Karl Dawson, and I am now offering Training in EFT. This will qualify you to practise EFT with your family, friends and Clients (once you have passed an online test). If you are already a qualified therapist in another field, EFT is a great addition to your existing therapies.
Awards and Achievements
- EFT Practitioner and Trainer
- Matrix Reimprinting Practioner
B.A. (Hons), Post Graduate Certificate in Education, KFRP (Kinesiologist), Diploma in Natural Nutrition (DNN), Feng Shui Practitioner, Thought Field Therapy.